Currently in Beta Version 4.0
Meet the Most Trusted Stock Market "Buy & Sell" Analytics Platform
82%+ Win Rate Since 1990!

Easy To Use
Buy & Sell Signals

Reverse Engineered
Predictive Model

Make Money
Live Better
The TOMO Model Has Outperformed The SP500 Every Year Since 1990!

Daily Buy And Sell Signals
We Provide Daily Stock Market Signals:
1. What To Buy
2. When To Buy
3. When To Sell
Average Time In Trade: Less Than 15 Days
Average Profit Per Winning Trade: 3.9%
>96% Annualized equivalent of capital at risk*

Video education library
Free Content
Premium Content
*Based on back-tested model since 1990

Introducing: A NEW Way to Trade

Your search for navigating the stock market has never been easier with groundbreaking education and a simple approach to trading the markets using the power of a Wall Street style predictive model.

Proprietary Data Analytics

The TOMO engine determines buy and sell signals based on tracking institutional money flow. The data points include volume momentum, price movement, velocity and volatility over various time frames.
Several hours after the close of the stock market, the TOMO database is updated and the daily buy/sell scans are performed. The updated buy and sell signals are then uploaded to this website for your education and use.